Unique Persian Traditions and Customs

Dr. Kayvan Haddadan
2 min readMar 18, 2021


Many cultures have unique traditions and customs. Iranian culture is no exception, and there are unique Persian customs and traditions that other countries may not be aware of. For example, sur dâdan is where friends and neighbors help celebrate valuable milestones in an individual’s life. While sur dâdan is translated as “to give a party or banquet,” one is not required to host an actual party. This celebration may take place in many forms, such as purchasing a box of sweets to share with one’s friends. In essence, it is an invitation to others to celebrate achievements in life, such as graduating, receiving a promotion, or purchasing a new car.

Water and food also take on unique roles in many Persian traditions. When receiving or giving water, it is customary for the glass to be on a plate. It is also a good omen if someone brings individual water that they have not asked for because this is associated with the granting of wishes. In addition, when individuals prepare to travel, a tray with a Quran and a glass of water is prepared. Kissing and passing under the Quran three times is to grant the traveler protection, and then water from the glass is thrown behind them to ensure their safe return.

Likewise, food is seated at the heart of many unique Persian customs and traditions. For example, Nazri is where large quantities of food are made and dispensed for religious purposes and blessings. Nazri often takes place during Ramadan and other important religious observances. Kheyrât is a similar practice and can be translated as “charitable deeds.” However, the focus of kheyrât is to honor the passing of loved ones. This is done by placing an open box of sweets in front of stores for the passersby, usually on a Thursday evening. If one is taken, the individual is expected to say a prayer for the deceased person.

The exploration of customs and traditions gives a glimpse of how each country conducts everyday affairs. Learning about these customs and traditions helps promote mutual cultural appreciation and respect. While only a few examples are listed here, individuals will find Iranian culture is ripe with many unique Persian customs and traditions.

Originally published on Dr. Kayvan Haddadan’s website.



Dr. Kayvan Haddadan

Dr. Kayvan Haddadan is a healthcare professional focused on pain management involving many different methods. Learn more at DrKayvanHaddadan.org